ittook翻译、took out翻译


英译汉1外面很冷,正在下雪It is snowing outside so that it is very cold2我发现一棵草I have found a grass一般来说不用把棵翻出来的,是不是纠结在棵上了3我们早上8点钟动身,大约花了4个小时到那里We set out at 8 in the morningIt took us four hours to get;It took them ___ to finish the work yeaterday一般过去时态 It took sb sometime to do sth ,空格上需填写时间It took them hours to finish the work yesterday昨天他们花了数小时完成了那项工作。

ittook翻译、took out翻译

原文我们花了两年学会说话,却要花上六十年来学会闭嘴,翻译成英文为It took us two years to learn to speak, but it took sixty years to learn to shut up怎样学好英语点击蓝字链接,免费欧美外教教你英语学习技巧免费领取,外教一对一精品课程课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教一;took it 就是表示他依然那样做了,already在这里的意思已经,take 的用法很多,有花费的意思如It will take us two hours to do the worktake 还有伴随携带的意思,和bring 是反义词,Take the umbrella with you 随身携带 The teacher came in with a book in his hand伴随take。

to its core翻译

how far are you from the train station?我用一周的时间读完了这本书it took me a week to finish reading hte book i spent a week finishing reading the book 我每天骑自行车去上学i go to school by bike every day i ride a bike to school every day那所学校有856名。

他的意思就是花费了我们一个小时20分钟的时间,后面应该加动词不定式,比如说是to play basketball,也就是说,我们打了一个小时20分钟的篮球,但是那个twenty应该是写错了。

ittook翻译、took out翻译

single person is singing every take live 每一个人都在现场演唱每一个镜头8看法 例句You wouldn#39t want to be like me, I take it? 你不想如我这样生活,我的看法对吗9吃喝例句take a glass of water喝杯水10认为 例句I take this opinion我持这种看法。

这句话意思是在1969年那个美国人花了5天时间到达月球这个时间应该有误吧还有这里的to后面通常跟动词原形,构成动词不定式 这句话中包含一个固定句型It takes took sb +一段时间+to do sth +剩余部分意为某人花时间做某事。

took是一个英语单词,意思是“拿”,“取”它是take的过去式和过去分词它通常用来表达动作已经完成,表示过去的时间比如,“I took the book from the shelf”我从书架上取下了书took还有其他的意思,即“花费”,“需要”这些意思通常用于表示时间或者金钱的消耗比如,“It took me。

took out翻译

1、it took me forty minutes to get the museum~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳~。

2、你好我花了十年时间来成就我的事业,都快被累死了恩,你知道他们说了“不劳无获”地道的翻译就不能直译百度教育团队海纳百川团为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~。




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