


一般来说是用Ethnic,因为Nationality可代表国籍,也可代表民族,容易误会朝鲜族是Chinese Korean。

minority可以直接表示少数民族 不过用ethnic minority也可以,一般直接用minority就好了汉语中的“我是少数民族 ”其实表示的意思是我是少数民族的一员,对于minority这个复合概念,用 I am a minority OR I am a ethnic。

复数minorities 搭配 adj+nsmall minority,ethnic minority,national minority,tiny minority,substantial minority v+nrepresent minority,deprive minority 反义词nmajority 释义全部,少数民族,少数党,较少票。

Minority1解释n 少数,少数派少数民族,少数群体未成年时期,未成年身份唯一持不同意见者议会少数党得或投的票adj 少数的少数民族的2短语ethnic minority 少数民族minority nationality。

首先 是ethnic,而不是 ethenic 然后,ethnic 是形容词,一般指 民族,如少数民族minority ethnic group race 是名词,一般指的是 人种, 如黄种人,白种人,黑人这类的区分 种族歧视racial discrimination。

minority表示“少数”时,为集合名词单独用作主语时有两种用法1如果强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式如The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数2如果强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式具体用法与。

2 Our staff members are currently involved in campaigns to improve the education system for Ethnic Minority children我们的员工致力参与改善少数族裔小孩教育制度的活动,定期联络不同的学校,向我们的下一代推广多元文化。

例句The College welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities翻译学院欢迎一切学生,不分种族信仰和国籍racial没有名词意思ethnic少数民族的成员例句The ethnic populations are so intermingle。


因为man minority这个短语是少数人的意思,但这个短语出现的时候必须要在前面加定冠词the,因为指的是特定的少数人,所以必须要加定冠词当以下情况,ethnic minority minority nationality 少数民族 minority students 用复数。

Batik is an ancient textile dyeing, batik process in ethnic minority areas in Guizhou, inherit and carry forward the traditional batik, and the prevalence is very broad, ethnic minority women#39s lives has become。

national psychological aspects of great difference Every nation to own custom has deep feelings, they often take other ethnic minority customs respect, as is our national respect, The national customs, as is ou。

Each of China#39s ethnic minority groups possesses a distinctive culture The Chinese government respects minority customs, and works to preserve, study, and collate the cultural artifacts of China#39s ethnic minority groups。

As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause After the twohour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid。

Each of China#39s ethnic minority groups possesses a distinctive culture The government respects minority customs, and works to preserve, study, and collate the cultural artifacts of China#39s ethnic minority groups The。

白 族 Bai ethnic minority group 史称“滇焚”“叟”“爨氐”“白蛮”“白人”“民家”等纳西族称之为“那马”僳僳族称之为“勒墨”白族共有人口1594万人1990年,其中云南有134万人,80%以上。



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